Saturday, February 23, 2013

Sledding at Castle Lustbühel

Well it was a terrific day :) It all started with an idea. The idea was simple. It only needed three main ingredients: snow, mountains and skiers. We wanted to go skiing - today! 

Well unfortunately that didn't take place. However God let it snow like crazy over night. Look at that - we haven't had this much snow in one night for quite a while ...

And then we thought, if God does such a good job letting it snow so hard, maybe we should do something about it-Yep we went sledding :) This is the first time we took our sled that we got from Ted & Grete out!

And up we went to the Schloss (which means castle) Lustbühel. It's only 25 minutes away by bus and almost in town :)

We didn't really know were the sledding slope is, but they have a cute little zoo for children and look who greeted us there

That's what it looked like there

Hi hon

This is how it looked when we got to the bottom of the slope

And that's the view from the top

Go becca goooo

Who is the king of the mountain now?

We also had a little walk to go there and afterwards to go home again - enjoy:

During the couple of hours we were outside, every once in a while we found ourselves stopping and saying to ourselves: Wow! What a great idea! This day has turned out to be so uplifting! :)

Thanks, God, what a great creator you are!